Picking Eggs
Eggs are too nutritious and versatile! It is the easiest ingredient to cook and eat.
Each egg is filled with approximately 6 g of protein, & 5 g of healthy fats.
On top of that, it also contains Vitamin A,B5,B12,B2, Phosphorus, Selenium , Folate and trace amounts of Vitamin D, E, K, B6, Calcium and Zinc.
On the Nutrition part y’all don’t need anymore convincing. On the cooking part, let’s explore all the forms.
Eggs can take so many forms.
Hard boiled eggs
Soft boiled eggs
Ramen eggs ( Marinated eggs)
Scrambled eggs
French omelette
Veggie omlette
Fried eggs
Sunny side up
Poached eggs
Hollandaise Sauce
Eggs Benedict
Turkish eggs
Baked Eggs
I can keep going but some of you might be annoyed at the lack of pictures and recipe from my list. (Will post in future!)
Just pick up eggs to cook an easy & nutritious meal. It can be made quicker than ordering Doordash/Uber eats.
Food Labels:
Pastured eggs >
Omega-3 enriched eggs >
Free Range / Cage free / Organic Eggs >
Conventional Eggs >
No eggs.
The link helps understand the hierarchy of eggs ;)
Myth Bustering facts
Brown and white eggs have no difference in Nutrition value.
The yolk has all the fat soluble vitamins A,D,E & K.